Is Ringworm Causing Your Cat's Unexplained Hair Loss?

Watching your beloved cat slowly lose chunks of hair can be disturbing, to say the least. You probably want to figure out why their cat is losing hair. However, one of the most common causes of hair loss in cats is also one of the most overlooked: ringworm. What Is Ringworm and How Does It Cause Feline Hair Loss? Ringworm has a somewhat deceptive name, and does not involve any kind of parasitic worm (unlike heartworm, another common health problem in cats). [Read More]

3 Guiding Tips to Help You Choose a Food Brand for Your Pet

Nutritious pet food plays an essential role in the development of your pet. If you are an ardent pet lover, you have probably spent a lot of hours searching for the pet food brand that offers all the necessary nutrients for your animal friend. However, with the many pet food brands on the market, and the fact that the best brands seem to cost the most, it can be frustrating to find just the right fit. [Read More]

Understanding Histoplasmosis In Cats

Histoplasmosis is a serious fungal infection that enters a cat's body by way of their digestive system when they consume bird droppings or soil contaminated with the Histoplasma capsulatum fungus. Soil can become contaminated with an infected cat's waste, and if your cat scratches around in the soil, they can become infected. Your cat doesn't have to wander far to be at risk, as your own garden could have contaminated soil or droppings and you would be unable to tell until your cat became sick. [Read More]

When your cat chokes: 4 immediate steps to take

Cats, just like humans, may choke on their food if it goes the wrong way. You can tell if your cat is choking by closely observing its behaviour. You may notice your furry companion with its mouth wide open and tongue sticking out while making heaving sounds. Your cat may also place its paw inside its mouth as if trying to reach for something. If you notice your cat in such distress, the best approach is to remain calm. [Read More]