Time For Your Cat To Have Surgery? How To Aid In The Recovery Process

If your cat is scheduled for surgery, now's the time to prepare for the recovery period. Once your cat leaves the veterinarian's office, you'll be responsible for post-operative recovery care. Luckily, there are steps you can take to ensure a safe recovery period for your cat. Here are five of those steps for you to follow. 

Follow Veterinary Instructions

If your cat needs to have surgery, the veterinarian will provide you with post-operative instructions. These instructions might include information regarding wound care and instructions on how to administer prescription medications. To safeguard your cat during the recovery period, it's important that you follow the instructions as closely as possible. If you don't understand any of the instructions, your veterinarian can discuss them with you. 

Safeguard the Wound Site

If you're preparing your cat for surgery, you'll want to take steps to protect the wound site. Following surgery, the wound site will be quite tender. Not only that, but it will be at risk for further injury, especially if the site isn't protected. If your cat is required to wear a post-operative cone, make sure the cone is worn as required. Another way to safeguard the wound site is to invest in a post-operative suit for your cat to wear during the recovery period. 

Provide a Safe Rest Area

Now that you're preparing for your cat's surgery, you'll need to provide a safe space for recovery. In most cases, your cat will come home once they've recovered from the anesthesia. However, your cat will still need to rest for several days. If your cat will remain calm, you can set their bed in a quiet corner of the house. However, if you're worried that your cat will become too active, you might need to use a pet crate during their recovery. A crate will ensure that your cat is safe and secure. 

Offer Food and Water

If you want to ensure that your cat has a healthy recovery from surgery, be sure to provide them with plenty of fresh food and water. Your cat might not be hungry for the first day or two following surgery. However, your cat should still drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. If your cat hasn't regained their appetite several days after surgery, you'll need to notify their veterinarian. 

Watch for Infection

When it comes to protecting your cat during their recovery from surgery, it's important that you take steps to avoid infections. Two ways to do that include proper wound care and proper administration of antibiotics. It's also important that you monitor the wound site for signs of infection. Some of the signs include prolonged loss of appetite, foul-odored discharge, and increased pain. If your cat exhibits any of these signs while their wounds are healing, contact a veterinarian right away. 

For more information, contact a veterinary surgeon near you.
